Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip Liquid Lipsticks | A Review

Beeper and donut. Aren't those just the cutest lippie names? These are the two shades I got from Colourpop! 

Colourpop isn't available in the Philippines yet - good thing a friend of a friend recently flew to the States and back and brought these babies to us! :) I got so interested in these lippies because it's been raved about all over social media - and as a lippie lover, I just had to know what the hype was all about! Reviews have been double-sided too, with some raving about it, singing praises about how beautiful they are; while others hated it for its uber drying formula. I JUST HAD TO TRY IT OUT MYSELF.

In my hands, you belong.

Spent sleepless nights on their website, deciding on which shades I should order. You know me, I do my homework. I do my research before purchasing any product - especially lipstick! 

Everyone who knows me lipstick-ally knows that I prefer pink/peach/coral shades over reds so instantly, I feel in love with Donut. 

Donut let b*tches kill your vibe. LOVE IT.
And again, everyone who knows me knows that I don't usually go for nudes - but am a fan of Kylie Jenner, so I just had to have one of those Lip Kit by Kylie-esque shades! The rumor mills on Instagram have been running overtime with conspiracy theories of Kylie "stealing" the exact same formula, shades, etc. from Colourpop to create her $29 lip kits! *gasp* how dare you people accuse King Kylie of such acts! Well, yeah, so I went for Beeper because these beauty bloggers kept saying they look ~exactly~ like Kylie's Dolce K. So meh.

Does it look like Dolce K to you?

Be wary though that how they look on the site isn't really the same to how they are in person. Beeper, for example, is slightly darker and browner; while Donut is more "flashy" and bright (still kyoot though).

These Colourpop lippies retail for $6 on their site - which makes it a super STEAL! 

My favorite of all favorites: swatching!

Truth be told, these beauties really do stick! I tried wetting my arms and they didn't mooove! Amazing!!!! <3 I did experience transfers when I ate and drank, but very minimal.

It glided on well on my lips (although, I had to prepare and scrub them the night before) and lasted the whole day. Lip swatches and 8-hour wear photos to follow - promise! :)

  • They're pretty affordable (Got mine for Php490)
  • Stays on all day so you don't need to retouch
  • The formula and consistency isn't that thick (or thin), so you just need one coating (do you even say that, coating?)
  • They ARE dry, so you'd really NEED to scrub your lips and apply lip balm before and after using this lippie!
  • Transfers - you gotta be careful you don't stain your clothes, etc.
  • NOT AVAILABLE IN THE PHILIPPINES. Boo! Hopefully soon though, someone sets up shop here!
Is there anything else I missed? Let me know! :)