I know this is super late, but I only really got the chance to write today! Sareh na!
My 26th was on July 7, but I had to be with family at the time so my Hanson friends had to take the back seat. I knew they wanted to hang out real bad because I will be going home soon. Little did I know that all along, they had been cooking up something grand!
On July 19, I met up with Marianne, Dianne, and Eunice. These three girls, I met during the height of the Hanson hysteria that changed my life. Echoz! LOL. We went to Big Screen Entertainment (it's this new entertainment hub in the heart of Cebu; real cool place, I swear!) Marianne put her baking skills into play and made me a personalized Hanson cake and cupcakes (which were *%*$#ng delicious!)
We had pizza, Marianne's cake and cupcakes, and the yummy green apple slush from Big Screen! For two hours and a half, we watched the Middle of Nowhere Acoustic DVD and Underneath Acoustic Live. It felt so real because the screen was huuuuge! It was the happiest birthday ever! :)
Thank you, Hanson friends. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!