Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why I Enjoy Facebook

It’s a mortal sin for the unconventional people of this world to be overly engrossed in social media, especially Facebook. With that said, I would like to apologize to you, unconventional people, for being too mainstream. Now, hear me out and take heed of why I and most of your beloved mainstream, conventional, and bandwagon-joining friends enjoy Facebook.

People like me who work from home and are at the brink of a decaying social life could only do what is right to keep us alive in the social sphere of things, and that is to log on to Facebook and virtually interact with the people we know, used to know, and probably have only known through the magical world of the Internet.

You see, reading my news feed is like reading the morning paper---only better. I have everything I need on my Facebook news feed: current events, amazing facts, trending articles, photos, announcements, birthday and event reminders, and most importantly, showbiz and real-life gossip. Juicy, hot, fresh gossip. As I’ve said, I don’t go out much (the only trace of social life running through my veins is Trivia Night every Monday and Wednesday, which will be discussed on next post), which means that my social life is thriving. The only people I talk to are Horace and his siblings, whom I currently live with. Other than that, nobody else. I don’t talk to my neighbors because (1) I don’t care about the things they do and (2) I don’t like them. Haha!

All in all, I think it’s great that Mark Zuckerberg was geek enough to come up with a site like this. I can keep in touch with people I haven’t seen in a long time, contact those who are very far from me, play games, be updated with the latest trends, keep track of the activities of my favorite people, and lastly, Facebook gives me the feeling of still being “part of it all.” Thank you, dear Mark.

It doesn’t really matter how incredibly overrated and overpopulated and sometimes annoying Facebook is. All I care about is that I have a site to go to and see other people online. It’s fun. I know you think so too.