Thursday, August 30, 2012

Chicago, We Meet Again

Armed with my trusty laptop, Microsoft Word 2007, an unlimited stock of instant coffee, and a pack of Marlboro reds bag of chewing gum, I venture into the world of the Chicago Manual of Style once again. It has been ages since I last edited a full-length, migraine-inducing, sent-from-hell manuscript, so I kind of found it to be unfamiliar territory when I began copyediting again last week.

It takes a lot of work to be the pessimist behind the monitor. We're trained to look for errors and correct them. The publishing world does breed us grammar and punctuation nazis (I'd like to consider myself a dangling modifier nazi because I just hate those annoying phrases!).

Everyday scenery

I love my job, and I love what I do. I get paid for reading (although the stuff I read do not really qualify for the kind of stuff I enjoy) and for exercising my talent of pointing out the bad things *evil grin* Oh well, life is short, and I might as well take this time to enjoy what I am doing.

I am a nurse by profession, that could never be denied; but I will never be one by heart. I lack the compassion for others, the will to serve, and the drive to become a good nurse. It saddens me that I have wasted four years of university education, but there is nothing much I can do about that anymore.

Oh well, *shrugs*