It has been weeks since I left my last job at Vanilla.
It has been weeks of beautiful sleep at night.
It has been weeks of convenient working from home.
It has been weeks of no secondary smoke in my lungs.
It has been weeks of no high-speed Internet connection.
It has been weeks of no chika.
It has been weeks of no Sugbahan.
It has been weeks of no ambush parties at VN-Mandaue (Kim's place).
It has been weeks of no Tiya Sabel.
It has been weeks of no IT Park.
It has been weeks of no KFC.
It has been weeks of no unlimited online streaming.
It has been weeks of BOREDOM.
Though I have spent quite a lot of time with my son, it still feels different. I was never one to be out of a job for so long. Well, yes, I acknowledge my problem with holding on to a job. I get bored easily with what I do. I couldn't last more than a year in one workplace (the only reason I stayed a year and seven months at eTelecare was because I was too pregnant to leave and was on maternity leave for two). But if I were to decide, I would not have left Vanilla. Of all the workplaces I have been to, Vanilla is just the chillaxest place ever! And the people? Just endearing. I honestly miss the bullies---every single one of them.
After attending my first-ever VN meeting. |
Oooh de lata partey! |
I work hard in Vanilla! |
I miss hanging out on the balcony (which I heard was closed FOR GOOD by TGU). I miss Busy Bugs. I miss sleeping in the office. I miss the old school PCs. I miss my friends. I miss the kind of work I do. I miss Vanilla.
Well, that's all. I just feel a little emo tonight.